Results Over 8 Months
“I heard about an opportunity to regrow my hair. Over time, I’ve not only seen it stop falling out, but it has regrown. I’ve asked for several recommendations of treatments and products, and nothing has had the effect like I’ve had with Sunetics.”
– Leo G.
Clinic Spotlight- “We Grow Hair Indy”

Darren Andrews
Clinic Director
Indianapolis, IN
over $9 million in revenue from Sunetics
over 4,000 patients treated with Sunetics
over 90% patient success rate
over 1,800 treatment sessions performed per month
Watch Now!
“We’ve treated over 4,000 Patients with the Sunetics Hair Growth Laser!”
“We’ve generated over $9 Million in Revenue with the Sunetics Laser Treatments.”
“We started with one laser and now have six (6) lasers running all day, 6 days a week. We are currently providing over 1,800 individual laser treatment sessions per month.”
“In addition to being an effective stand-alone treatment, we can also provide combo therapies such as Laser+PRP and Laser+Hair Transplants and these two additional options have been a tremendous boost to our results and our sales.”
Physician Tested
See what results other Physicians are getting in their practices. Physicians across the United States and abroad are seeing hair growth in their patients, an increase in customers, and an increase in revenue.
Clinic Spotlight- “Signature Dermatology”

Andrea Costanza DO
Signature Dermatology
Columbus, OH
Signature Dermatology has had a Sunetics Laser in their practice for over 4 years, helping treat their patients’ hair loss safely and effectively.
To see the kind of results their patients are receiving, visit the “Signature Dermatology Clinic Spotlight” page.
Clinic Spotlight- “We’ve treated nearly 1,000 Patients!”
Michael Ramsey has been the Clinic Director and partner with PAI Medical for over 24 years. He oversees operations for PAI Medical Group – Nashville. As Clinic Director, Michael finds it very important to find ways to help his patients while still running a successful business. PAI Medical Group in Nashville currently has 4 Sunetics Lasers at its sole location. In this Clinic Spotlight, see why Michael got started using Sunetics Laser Hair Therapy for his patients, and how the treatment has helped both his patients and his business.
Why we actually chose Laser Therapy… “I was floored!!”
Patient Compliance, Selection, and using the laser with PRP.
ROI, Getting our 4th Laser,
Treating nearly 1,000 patients,
and Why we love it.

Here’s What Other Physicians Are Saying:
“I have witnessed some remarkable results in my practice.”
“My patients love the simplicity and especially the results they are getting.”
“It’s a must have for any hair restoration program.”
“As a medspa owner, this device has been a fantastic addition to our list of services.”